The best thing one can do is to treat them as politely as one would anyone else. They on their part, of course, should be expected to abide by the ordinary rules of decency such as apply to relationships between men and women... If they behave themselves and control themselves as discreetly as people with heterosexual desires are expected to do, their private lives should be no more concern of anyone else's than should a normal person's.

It was with this realistic and constructive approach in mind that the Mattachine Movement was recently founded in Los Angeles.

The Mattachine Foundation is a non-partisan service council devoted to the social objectives of integrating with the purposes and requirements of our community the enormous potential of valuable civic contributiveness and concern of such ill-understood social minorities as the homosexuals.

With adjustment-and not "cure" -as the key word in the group, much has already been accomplished to "integrate this huge minority into socially-acceptable and socially-contributive channels."

The Mattachine Movement shows a direct parallel with Alcoholics Anonymous; it was established to facilitate the integration of maladjusted, futile, rejected individuals into society. To this end, a program of group therapy was begun. It is especially here-in the technique of group therapy-that the similarity is seen. The Mattachine Movement is considerably unique in


other aspects. It has no religious slant and demands no abstention from any sexual activities, but rather stresses adjustment and self-understanding and -realization towards a more useful and dignified place in society.

Legal action is one of the immediate goals of the Mattachine. In addition to helping the individual deviant, there is a pressing need to remove prejudiceespecially when it takes the form of persecution such as "quota assignments, decoys detailed specifically to entrap, invasions of privacy by fraudulent means, searches-seizures-andarrests without due process of law..." These unlawful acts are "harassments aimed at a minority who can be counted on to hide these civil infractions at all costs."

Study and research are also being carried on by the Mattachine Movement, and with experts in the field as well as participation of discussion group members, they are making considerable progress.

Equally important to research is publication and promulgation of information. The first major step in this direction came from one of the Mattachine discussion groups. It was there that a monthly publication was born. The magazine, ONE, is printed with a constructive and socially-minded approach to sex deviation-with the emphasis on homosexuality. The various articles which appear attempt to stimulate thinking, present facts, and help to improve flagrant wrongs-both social and personal.

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